Academic Support Programs

Welcome to CLUE

CLUE tutoring is more than a resource you can access when you're struggling in a class; it's a welcoming, inclusive space for students to connect, ask questions about various subjects, prepare for exams, and have support on homework.

Get tutoring online, learn about the subjects we cover, meet our tutors, and watch a video about in-person CLUE.

Summer 24 policies:

  • No more than 2 appointments per day, per subject
    • For writing, please also follow the 3-2-1 policy (see below under Subjects, Writing)
  • Please leave 30 minutes in between appointments if booking for the same course
  • Please email if you are cannot make your appointment and are unable to cancel
  • No shows: if you no show or are over 10 minutes late to an appointment 3 times over the course of the summer, you will be unable to book more appointments without meeting with the CLUE Program Manager
    • Please respect the tutors' and other students' time and email if you cannot make an appointment or anticipate being late

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SUM 24 Virtual Appointments

Virtual appointments are offered for Biology, Chemistry, Math, Physics, Computer Science & Writing.

In order to ensure maximum support for all students, students are limited to 2 appointments per day, per subject. If you are booking multiple appointments, please leave at least 30 minutes in between appointments to allow for independent working time.

Appointments can be scheduled up to 12 hours in advance and the calendar displays two weeks at a time. Appointments will be available weekdays throughout Summer Quarter 2024 (6/20-8/15), except during federal holidays.  

Hours, Updates & Cancellations

CLUE will reopen for academic year drop-in tutoring on 9/26 from 7pm - 9pm.

Community Standards

CLUE provides a space for all students to be included, challenged, and supported in their educational journey. We expect that tutors and students alike enter into this space with respect for one another and treat others with kindness.

Contact Us

Do you have questions? Suggestions on what we can do better? Email us at


Email us at


We can help with the following subjects and courses:

  • Introductory Biology: BIOL 180, 200, 220

Biology tutoring appointments are offered this quarter virtually from Monday-Thursday. Make an appointment with one of the following tutors!

  • Ethan (180, 200, 220)
  • Ryan (180, 200, 220)
  • Joel (180, 200)
Meet the Biology Tutors

We can help with the following subjects and courses:

  • General Chemistry: CHEM 110, CHEM 120, CHEM 1X2 series (142, 152, 162)
  • Organic Chemistry: CHEM 22X series ( 223, 224), CHEM 23X series ( 237, 238, 239), CHEM 24X series( 241, 242)
  • Inorganic Chemistry: CHEM 312
  • Biochemistry: CHEM 452, 453
  • Physical Chemistry: CHEM 456, 457

Chemistry tutoring appointments are offered this quarter virtually from Monday-Thursday. Make an appointment with one of the following tutors!

  • Ryan (any chemistry course)
  • Joel (110, 120, 142, 152, 162, 223, 224, 237, 238, 239, 241, 242, 452, 453)
  • Ethan (110, 120, 142, 152, 162, 223, 224, 237, 238, 239, 241, 242)
Meet the Chemistry Tutors

We can help with the following courses:

  • Introduction to Computer Programming: CSE 121, CSE 122, CSE 123 
  • Data Programming: CSE 160, 163

Computer Science tutoring appointments are offered this quarter virtually on Tuesday and Wednesday. Make an appointment with Alicja!

  • Alicja (CSE 121, 122, 123, 160, 163)
Meet the Computer Science Tutors

We can help with the following subjects and courses:

  • Algebra: MATH 111
  • Precalculus: MATH 120
  • Calculus: MATH 124, 125, 126, 224
  • Differential Equations and Linear Algebra: MATH 207 and 208
  • Mathematical Reasoning: MATH 300
  • Probability and Statistics: MATH 394, 395

Math tutoring appointments are offered this quarter virtually from Monday-Thursday. Make an appointment with one of the following tutors!

  • Hemkesh (111, 120, 124,125, 126, 208, 300)
  • Sriram (111, 120, 124,125, 126, 207, 208, 224, 394, 395)
  • Kamiar (111, 120, 124,125, 126, 207, 208, 224)
Meet the Math Tutors

We can help with the following subjects and courses:

  • Physics Introductory Series: PHYS 114, 115,116 and 121, 122,123
  • PHYS 200+ & 300+: PHYS 225 and 322

Physics tutoring appointments are offered this quarter virtually from Monday-Thursday. Make an appointment with one of the following tutors!

  • Lauren (114, 115, 116, 121, 122, 123, 225, 322)
  • Sriram (114, 115, 116, 121, 122, 123)
  • Kamiar (114, 115, 116, 121, 122, 123)
Meet the Physics Tutors

CLUE Writing Center 3-2-1 Policy:

Our goal is to make appointments available to all writers and to nurture their independent learning. For this reason, we have a “3-2-1” policy for writing tutoring appointments:

Writers may have no more than 3 tutoring sessions to work on the same assignment. 

Writers may have no more than 2 appointments per day.

Writers may only work on 1 assignment per tutoring session.  After working with a tutor on an assignment, writers need to revise that assignment for 1 hour before having another appointment to work on the same assignment.

At the CLUE Writing Center, we have one goal in mind: to help you become a better writer. To that end, we believe that writing is a process. Even the most talented writers cannot sit down in a vacuum and produce a polished text on the first try. Whether you need help talking through ideas, honing an outline you've been working on, evaluating a draft mid-composition, or looking through a final draft—we're confident we can help you write more efficiently and effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of documents do you provide assistance with and what should I bring?

We will look at any piece of writing you bring in, including but is not limited to: papers, short response assignments, theses, cover letters, résumés, personal statements, scholarship applications, graduate school statements of purpose, memos, and lab reports.

To get the most out of your session, we suggest you bring the following:

  • If you are working on a draft, please bring an electronic copy of your draft (accessible by e-mail or flash drive).
  • If your writing concern is related to a particular assignment, bring the assignment prompt.
  • If your writing concern is related to a specific scholarship or application, please bring the necessary prompts.
  • If you are writing a paper using other sources, you may consider bringing the readings; if not, bring notes, an outline, or even a list of questions to help focus the conference.
  • If you want to discuss feedback you have received from a teacher, bring a copy of the comments.

How do I sign up for a tutoring session?

Summer writing tutoring is by appointment only. To book see a writing tutor, please make an appointment via bookings.

What is a typical tutor session like?

At the CLUE Writing Center, our aim is always two-fold: to help you with your concerns about the paper at hand and to better familiarize you with universal writing strategies that will help you address similar concerns in future assignments. To achieve these goals, most sessions begin with a tutor asking you a series of questions regarding the assignment, your professor's expectations, and any specific concerns or areas of inquiry you would like to address during the session. In almost every instance, the tutor will ask to see the assignment prompt, so please bring it!

Once the tutor has a strong grasp of your writing assignment and your specific concerns/needs, the tutor will typically spend 20-30 minutes reading (or having you read) all or part of the draft that you have both agreed to focus on. During this time, the tutor may make some instructive notes in the margins (please note that s/he won't "fix" grammar, punctuation, and style) that they will then discuss with you. This discussion will frequently involve asking you more questions about your ideas and/or getting you to talk through problems arising in the draft. The tutor will model example solutions for some of the concerns you are working to address as well as explain relevant conventions affecting his/her suggestions. If you have not yet written anything, the tutor will help you brainstorm and organize your ideas.

At the end of each session, you can expect to spend time developing a plan for further writing and revision. You can also expect to take copious notes and/or outline if necessary.

Writing appointments are 45 minutes, but can be a little shorter depending on your needs. Sessions cannot exceed 45 minutes in length in order to be respectful toward other students.

Meet the Writing Center Tutors

CLUE Frequently Asked Questions

All appointments will be made through Microsoft Bookings

  1. Visit the CLUE tutoring bookings page to make an appointment. Make sure you are logged in with your UW email.
  2. Select a service based on the subject you need tutoring in (see table below).
  3. If you have a preference, select a tutor.
  4. Use the calendar to find a day/time that works with your schedule.
  5. Fill in your information and answer any questions
  6. Click "Book"
  7. You should receive a confirmation email which includes the tutor's zoom link. 
Bio 180/200 BIOL 180 or 200
Bio 220 BIOL 220
General Chemistry CHEM 110, 120, 142, 152, or 162
Organic Chemistry CHEM 223, 224, 237, 238, 239, 241, or 242
Physical and Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 312, 456, or 457
Biochemistry CHEM 452 or 453
Algebra/Precalculus MATH 111 or 120
Calculus MATH 124, 125, or 126
Differential Equations MATH 207
Linear Algebra MATH 208
Math 224 MATH 224
Math 300 MATH 300
Probability MATH 394 or 395
Introductory Physics PHYS 114, 115, 116, 121, 122, or 123
200/300 Level Physics PHYS 225 or 322
Computer Science CSE 121, 122,123, 160, 163
Application help - Writing Meet with a Writing tutor for help on any application (major, job, grad school etc). 
Class Assignment - Writing Meet with a Writing tutor to review a class assignment.


Zoom links are included in the confirmation email you received from Bookings. If you are unable to find your zoom link, please email for more help.

A personal computer or tablet with internet access and sound is necessary to access virtual CLUE.

  • If you do not have access to a laptop/tablet, please go to UW's Student Technology Loan Program website to request technology. Supplies are limited. 
  • Make sure you have the most current version of Zoom downloaded on your device. Once you log into your Zoom account, please go to to download the latest version. If you have any issues with Zoom, you can get support from UWIT.

If you have any questions about accessing CLUE, please email us at

Meet Our Tutors

Ryan, Chemistry, he/him

Ryan, Chemistry, he/him

Graduate Student, Medicinal Chemistry

I've taken

Equivalent of CHEM 162, 237, 312, 530, 531, 532

Ask me about

Trail running and playing classical piano!

Notable academic failure

The weekly problem sets in CHEM 530 (Advanced Physical Organic Chemistry) required both creativity and a deep knowledge of organic reaction mechanisms. By working on them with my peers, however, I gained an appreciation for collaborative problem solving that I hope to share with fellow students while at CLUE.

Lauren, Physics, she/her

Lauren, Physics, she/her

Junior, Physics, Applied Math minor

I've taken

PHYS 224, 225, 227, 228, 322 

Ask me about

Baking, hiking, pottery, reading

Notable academic failure

PHYS 123 was the first real college physics class where I was learning brand new material. When I got to the first midterm, I realized that I hadn't learned any of the material very well and had to relearn everything in a few days. After that, I spent time adjusting my note taking and studying habits, and made sure to find out about all the resources available to me.

Joel, Chemistry, he/him

Joel, Chemistry, he/him

Senior, Biochemistry, Minor:Japanese

I've taken

General chemistry, organic chemistry, 241, 242, 452, 453

Ask me about

Reading, Cooking, Playing Music

Notable academic failure


Sriram, Math, he/him

Sriram, Math, he/him

Graduate/Professional Student, Mechanical Engineering

Ask me about

Badminton, Photography

Notable academic failure

Time management and focusing for long hours.

Ethan, Chemistry, he/him

Ethan, Chemistry, he/him

Sophomore, Bioengineering

I'm excited about

Reading, running, sailing, bouldering, D&D, video games

I've taken

General chemistry, organic chemistry, 241, 242

Notable academic failure

Struggling to get help when I need it in larger classes (looking at you Phys 122)

Ethan, Biology, he/him

Ethan, Biology, he/him

Junior, Bioengineering

I'm excited about

Reading, running, sailing, bouldering, D&D, video games

I've taken

Bio 180, 200, and 220

Notable academic failure

Struggling to get help when I need it in larger classes (looking at you Phys 122)

Ryan, Biology, he/him

Ryan, Biology, he/him

Graduate Student, Medicinal Chemistry

I've taken

Equivalent of CHEM 162, 237, 312, 530, 531, 532

Ask me about

Trail running and playing classical piano!

Notable academic failure

The weekly problem sets in CHEM 530 (Advanced Physical Organic Chemistry) required both creativity and a deep knowledge of organic reaction mechanisms. By working on them with my peers, however, I gained an appreciation for collaborative problem solving that I hope to share with fellow students while at CLUE.

Sriram, Physics, he/him

Sriram, Physics, he/him

Graduate/Professional Student, Mechanical Engineering

Ask me about

Badminton, Photography

Notable academic failure

Time management and focusing for long hours.